Because We Get It

  • If you are an advisor servicing qualified retirement plans, we know how to help you grow and retain your business.
  • If you are an employer sponsoring a retirement plan, we can provide you and your investment advisor the tools that are necessary to effectively manage your fiduciary responsibilities.
  • If you are a Third-Party Administrator, we would love to work with you.  Unlike some other “bundled” recordkeepers, we gladly welcome and value your recordkeeping-only business.
  • Most importantly, we offer participants a “fee-reasonable” platform with a wide assortment of technology and resources designed to help and encourage them towards a more financially secure retirement.

With advisor and client relationships in thirty states, Touchstone is large enough to present an extremely competitive retirement plan offering but we’re not so large that we’ve lost sight of the importance of being able to provide highly personal and customizable service

It’s more than just technology.  Touchstone strives to offer that special “it” that people want to experience from their service providers.

Independence & Transparency

Touchstone Retirement Group is not affiliated with any investment or insurance company so there is never any incentive for us to favor one investment product over another. And our clients always know exactly what we charge for our services and who pays our service fees.

Expertise in Plan Design

We do a thorough review of the current plan design to determine if it is still relevant in light of the Plan Sponsor’s objectives. Working with the Sponsor’s advisory team (investment advisor, CPA etc.), we will then present our observations and recommendations for improving the plan.Touchstone Retirement Group is not affiliated with any investment or insurance company so there is never any incentive for us to favor one investment product over another. And our clients always know exactly what we charge for our services and who pays our service fees.

Plan Analytic Tools

Through our proprietary Plan Intelligence Reports, advisors are presented with a wealth of information about their plans broken down by key demographics.

Compliance Data Center

As a Plan Sponsor, preparing for annual compliance testing can be a tedious job but the task is made easier through our proprietary Compliance Data Center (CDC) which gathers, presents and allows Sponsors to make changes to plan information all through our Plan Sponsor website.

Large Plan Expertise For Plans of All Sizes

Touchstone combines the benefits of large-plan technology with our personalized customer service.

Highly Personalized Service

A dedicated Relationship Manager is assigned to every Plan Sponsor, regardless of size.  You will never be sent to a service “pool” where you don’t know who will answer the phone.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or concerns we’d love to here from you. You can call us or email us by clicking on the button below.

TRG has supported the Hanes Supply Inc. 401K plan for the last seven years. The service provided by TRG is world class. When it comes to the administration, recordkeeping for the plan and their year-end compliance, TRG’s annual plan audit always run smoothly. They are always there to answer any question that an associate may have and their web site is very informative and easy to use. Hanes Supply looks forward to working with TRG in the future.

Keith Anterline
Hanes Supply, Inc.

Looking to see what TRG can do for you? We’d love to hear from you.